gratitude for your patient

This time of year, there’s an extra sense of giving and attitude of gratitude in the air. Showing gratitude to your healthcare patients isn’t just another way to say thank you — research shows it can actually have a positive impact on their overall health and well-being!

And they aren’t the only ones who will benefit — a boost in patient satisfaction reflects well and brings positivity into your organization at every level. From simple signs of personal thanks to broad-reaching customer service initiatives, here are some easy and effective ways you can go the extra mile to show gratitude to your patients:

Equip your staff with high-quality training

Effective service begins with confident employees. Empower your people with the tools, training and resources they need to answer any question and give every customer a helpful, first-rate experience so clients don’t have to be put on hold or bounced around between departments.

LISTEN to your customers

This one is simple! Pay genuine attention to your clients and ask for honest feedback, comments or concerns regarding their experience. Not only might you uncover an area of improvement you didn’t realize needed addressed, but they will feel their experience and opinion are valued and appreciated.


Maybe this one is too obvious, but there’s no easier way to effectively communicate your gratitude than actually saying “thank you” to your patients — and genuinely meaning it! You can foster an environment of thanks and appreciation throughout your organization by remembering to express gratitude to all your staff. One University of Pennsylvania study even found that managers who expressed gratefulness got up to 50% more productivity out of their employees.

Personalized messages or handwritten notes expressing appreciation and thanking patients for putting their trust in you this year are an easy, thoughtful way to show your gratitude this season. In our era of instant communication, voicemails and text messages, an “old fashioned” handwritten note will stand out and show you appreciate your patients enough to put in a little extra effort.

Ensure your patient data is secure

Your patients trust your organization with sensitive personal, medical and financial information — the least you can do is reassure them you’re working hard to keep that data safe and secure. Show your gratitude for their trust by informing patients of the various steps your organization is taking to enhance cybersecurity and protect against hackers and data breaches.

Provide a customer-focused billing experience

As your collections representative, we know your patients are your most important asset. We show our gratitude both to you and to them by providing user-friendly technology, easy mobile payments, access to our experts and more.

The Thanksgiving and year-end holiday season has us all looking back and thankful for 2019’s growth and accomplishments. We’re grateful for all of our partners and appreciate the trust they place in us to assist their organizations — hopefully you can spread gratitude to all your patients this season, too.

And if you’re looking to end the year on a high note by transforming outstanding debt into real, collected revenue, reach out to our team today and we’ll set you up to begin 2020 strong and in the black.

We Are Here to Help With Anything, Call a Friendly Representative Now.